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26: Beep Beep I Like Ferns Beep (feat. Sebastiaan De With)

May 19, 2015

This week we sat down with Sebastiaan de With to chat about everything design (and motorcycles)! We caught up on his evolving career in design, what it's like building a new agency, how to work with international clients and the power of giving design resources away for free.

If you have feedback or suggestions please don't hesitate to reach us on Twitter at @designdetailsfm or email us directly!

Sebastiaan on the Web:
Show Notes:

3:00 - We catch up with Sebastiaan on what he's up to.

14:00 - We dig a bit further into SDW's past work as a designer.

21:00 - We learn a little bit more about the Apple design process.

23:00 - SDW shares more about his personal branding and background as a young designer.

32:00 - How did you end up moving to California?

41:00 - Circling back around to some of SDW's current projects.

47:00 - Not a lot of designers can separate from their work this much.

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53:00 - What kind of designer do you consider yourself?

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