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436: Reclaiming Your Focus

April 20, 2022

This week, we share our tips and strategies for reclaiming our focus to do deep design work. In the Sidebar, we revisit last week's conversation about the value of ideas and finding the right time to share an idea with the world.

Golden Ratio Supporters:

Vagaro is hiring designers to build the booking, payments, and marketing solutions for growing businesses in the beauty, wellness and fitness industries around the world. If you want to have an immediate, direct and high impact through design, learn more about designing at Vagaro.

The Sidebar:

The Sidebar is an exclusive weekly segment for our Patreon supporters. You can subscribe starting at $1 per month for access to bonus content going forward! Sign up at

Latest VIP Patrons:

  • Shogo Tsuruda
  • Øyvind Hjartnes
  • Adrien Domken
  • Ravi Aujla
  • Javin Towers

Main Topic:

This week, we share our tips and strategies for reclaiming our focus to do deep design work.

Cool Things:

  • Brian shared The Always Sunny Podcast, a happy-place podcast that shares the backstory and inside jokes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
  • Marshall shared Balance Lock, a macOS utility app that locks the balance on your sound output.

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