315: Building a Listener-Supported Podcast
September 25, 2019
In this week's episode, we discuss the next evolution of Design Details towards becoming a fully listener-supported podcast. We share some background on the decision, our goals, and what's in it for you dear listener, if you are able to support this podcast. All this, plus follow up, a bit of news, and our weekly cool things as always.
- We'll be digging into the Apple event + Android 10 later - we extra promise.
Listener Question Followup:
Becoming a listener-supported podcast:
- We've been lucky to be able to work with so many amazing sponsors on Design Details in the past five years.
- Sarah Marie and Drew Luper produce and edit our show - they make us sound infinitely better every week.
- Design Details is a part of the Spec Network, a podcast network for designers and developers.
- We're moving to a lister-supported model, powered by Patreon. If you've enjoyed this show, found value, or entertainment, we would be eternally grateful for your support.
- You can check out the available tiers and rewards of support on our Patreon.
- I'm Bane, yes, that's my name.
- After our costs are covered, 10% of everything you pledge will be passed through to charities which help underrepresented minorities to learn about design (like Girls Who Code).
One Cool Thing:
- Brian shared Allegory, a beta note taking app recommended by Ryan Nystrom. The app has some neat interactions, visuals, and gestures that designers might enjoy poking at.
- Marshall hyped the upcoming Overwatch League Grand Finals.
- Marshall mains Lucio, for anyone curious.
Design Details on the Web: