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25: Arbitrary Head Chef (feat. Danny Trinh & Chris Kalani)

May 13, 2015

This episode, we had two designers building their own companies by building some awesome products that we're super excited about - Chris Kalani of Wake and Danny Trinh from Free. We took a bunch of questions from people watching on Periscope and these guys have some great energy which lead to a fantastic conversation and some "real talk"!

If you have feedback or suggestions please don’t hesitate to reach us on Twitter at @designdetailsfm!

Chris Kalani on the Web
Danny Trinh on the Web
Show Notes:

3:30 - Danny and Chris tell us about their current projects

12:00 - The best ways to learn design and the fear of sharing things

27:00 - Super Smash Bros. rosters and Pokemon as a game for designers

30:00 - Leveling up your UI and your career

45:00 - Dumb titles and how to divide up design roles on a team

50:00 - Listener Questions

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